Knowledge Capital
In the Information Era, knowledge capital is the most valuable asset and the key element for success; expanding qualified education is the only feasible way to generate long-term economic growth.
This is the philosophy that Crystal System operates with and the reason why a strong and coherent emphasis on education is central to our activity. We think that only by the aid of talented collaborators it is possible to maximize performance and obtain the best results, making a difference for our customers. To achieve that, we emphasize the importance of cognitive skills and we developed a unique system of training and recruitment that starts from the academic world.
IT courses for students
We periodically organize training sessions in leading Universities of East Europe.
Thanks to our courses, students have the possibility to gain practical knowledge in the most up-to-date Information Technologies and they move their first steps in the IT consulting career
Our partners in the academic world

ASE Bucharest (Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti) is Romania’s largest University. Since 2004, we have been collaborating with the Computer Science Department (Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics, Computer Science and Actuarial Mathematics) and we finance various educational and training activities: together with other global players (i.e. SAP, Oracle, Microsoft) we created an Education Centre for undergraduate students and a Masters Programme (SIMPRE, Information Systems for Economic Processes and Resources Management).

Crystal System’s collaboration with ASEM (Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei) in Chisinau, capital of the Republic of Moldova, dates back to 2007, when we started the first SAP Education Centre. We have a strong partnership with the Computer Science Department and we regularly organise courses for students.

Since 2016 Crystal System collaborates with The “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, in South-East Romania, and regularly organizes courses within the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

In year 2017 Crystal System launched activities in Albania, establishing an academic and educational collaboration with the Aleksander Moisiu University of Durres. Object of the alliance is to develop joint educational activities and curriculum definition projects in the area of Information Technology.

In 2019, Crystal System started to develop the course “IT For Non IT” within the Politehnica University of Bucharest, “Faculty of Power Engineering“. The course was a huge success, gathering 800 students registrations in a record time of two weeks.
Our courses are very popular among students: we promote the Crystal Academy within the major Universities of East Europe and we offer great prizes to students who perform the best in the final exams.